Honoka'ope Beach

Honoka'ope Beach

Honoka'ope Beach, Big Island

Located at the south end of the Mauna Lani Resort area, Honoka'ope Beach (view panorama) × is a small salt-and-pepper beach that's only sparsely visited. The beach is backed by several luxury homes, and access to Honoka'ope requires getting a beach access pass at the gate (there are 20 parking spaces).

When the ocean is calm, snorkeling is possible here, and since the other resort beaches in this area are sandy, Honoka'ope makes for an interesting change. From Honoka'ope Beach, a trail leads north along the lava cliffs to 49 Black Sand Beach.

Honoka'ope Beach Overview

  • Small salt-and-pepper beach (view panorama) ×
  • Backed by luxury homes
  • Lava cliff scenery to the north

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