Isaac Hale Beach Park

Isaac Hale Beach Park

Isaac Hale Beach Park, Big Island

Editor's Note: Due to a recent lava flow that occured on June 5, 2018, part of this beautiful beach was unfortunately destroyed. This page contains information prior to this event.

Located on the eastern edge of Pohoiki Bay on the Big Island’s east shore, Isaac Hale Beach Park is a small two-acre (8,094 sq. m) park and is often times quite crowded. It is popular among picnickers, shoreline fishermen, surfers, campers and boaters. However, the swimming conditions are poor here due to strong currents and waves.

There is a boat ramp which fishermen use to launch their boats (this is the only boat launch area in the entire Puna district). Local children can also be seen here using the boat ramp as a jumping point into the water. The Pohoiki Warm Springs, a small hot pond, is another attraction in this beach park and is surrounded by lush vegetation. To get there, walk for about two minutes (about 150 yards / 140 m) along the shoreline trail that begins to the right of the boat ramp. The pool is volcanically-heated and is located in a lava sink.

Water activities that are possible at Isaac Hale, besides fishing, include surfing and bodyboarding. The waves are best in the center of the bay, but a rip current is often times present here. Swimmers usually stick to the area around the boat ramp (and disregard the no swimming sign that stands here). The beach itself is composed of black sand and pebbles, but most surfers and swimmers use the boat ramp as en entry/exit point to the ocean.

Isaac Hale Beach Park Overview

  • Small, but well-visited beach park on Big Island's each shore, south of Hilo
  • Popular fishing, boating, surfing and picnicking location
  • Warm water pool located inland

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Reviews and Comments:
I found the park beautiful and well kept . I was disappointed when I tryed to take my family ebeach combing and it was just after 10 pm , I was approached by the security officers who were parked in there cars at the playground and told the park is closed to visitors at 10 pm and we would not be allowed beach access . I asked if I could access if I were going fishing and was told no the park is closed at 10 . I thought as long as we wernt drinking or making any trouble that it wouldn't be a problem , I was mistaken and it seemed as though my question had offended the security and was felt as though I had done somthing wrong . I'm not sure who the state of Hawaii contracts there security from but they need to be trained and perhaps learn Aloha !
Family guy , Fri May 13, 2016