Mauna Kea Beach Drive

Mauna Kea Beach Drive

Mauna Kea Beach Drive, Big Island

Mauna Kea Beach Drive is a 1.5-mile stretch of road that leads from Queen Ka'ahumanu Hwy (Hwy 19), near mile marker 68, down to the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel and Mauna Kea Beach. Right at the beginning of the road, there is a guard house and a gate where beach visitors can get a parking pass (there are only 40 public parking spaces at Mauna Kea Beach, so make sure you arrive early). Alternatively, you can also visit Mau'umae Beach, which you access by driving down Mauna Kea Beach Drive and taking the third right turn.

Mauna Kea Beach Drive Overview

  • Beach access road to two scenic Kohala beaches - Mauna Kea Beach and Mau'umae Beach
  • Mauna Kea Beach Hotel located at the end of the scenic road
  • Beautiful views of the ocean and Mauna Kea Golf Course

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