Naha Beach, Lanai

Naha Beach, located on Lanai’s east coast, has one of four ancient fishponds on the island. The walls of the pond, which can be seen at high and at low tide, are the most outstanding feature of this beach. To the north of the pond is a small rocky beach overhung with kiawe trees. The offshore bottom is shallow and rocky with only a few pockets of sand. That’s why Naha Beach is mainly frequented by fishermen, rather than by swimmers. Strong currents are also often times present.

The former fishing village of Naha is located nearby. But there’s not much to see here. Surrounded by dirt roads you might want to take a Jeep to Naha Beach to make the journey a little bit smoother. Explore the beach and come prepared with a hook and rod, since fishing is your best bet here. The waters are a little to rough to jump into.

Naha Beach Overview

  • Good beach for fishing
  • Small rocky beach with shallow rocky offshore bottom
  • Site of ancient fishpond and former fishing village

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