Hale O Lono Heiau
Hale O Lono Heiau, Oahu
Located in Waimea Valley on Oahu’s North Shore, the Hale o Lono Heiau is dedicated to Lono, the God of agriculture. The heiau was built between 1470 A.D. and 1700 A.D.
“Hale o Lono” is Hawaiian and means “House of Lono.” Lono is one of the four main gods in ancient Hawaii. The other ones are Ku, Kane and Kanaloa.
Human sacrifices didn’t happen here regularly. However, sometimes fish and human offerings were made to ensure a good harvest and fishing season in the coming year.
Hale O Lono Heiau Overview
- Heiau is located in Waimea Valley on the North Shore of Oahu
- Dedicated to the God of Lono
- Heiau was built between 1470 A.D. and 1700 A.D.