Sacred Falls

Sacred Falls

Sacred Falls, Oahu

Sacred Falls, which is named after the 1,370-acre state park that it resides in, is a beautiful waterfall on Oahu that is surrounded by rocky cliffs and greenery. It drops 80 feet (24 m) down into a pool. This waterfall used to be one of the most popular ones on the island when it was still accessible via a hiking trail.

However, on Mother's Day of 1999, the trail was closed indefinitely after eight people were killed and 50 others were injured when boulders and rocks collapsed into the narrow Sacred Falls valley where the visitors were unable to escape from the falling debris.

Even before the incident, the area was known to be dangerous because the footing on the park's trail could become very slippery, and deaths had occurred on the waterfall trail when water from flash floods in the mountains swept hikers down the canyon.

The park still remains closed to the public, though there has been advocacy to reopen it with restrictions. For now, the only way you can see the falls is by air, such as while on an Oahu helicopter tour.

Sacred Falls Overview

  • Trail to Sacred Falls is CLOSED indefinitely after rockslide tragedy
  • The only way to see the waterfall is with a helicopter tour

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Reviews and Comments:
Beautiful to see it from the air.
Mark, Fri Aug 02, 2024
Reading the other person's comment is infuriating to anyone that appreciates the sacredness, history, and safety of this area. Freedom is not free, and anyone thinking that can break the law, even if it is for their own safety is just lying to him/herself. I've seen too many people just like this feel entitled to break laws and when they get really hurt, blame the state and sue because there was not enough "signs" or preventive measures to stop them. Same thing happened at the blow hole some years ago when a tourist decided to "exercise his freedom" and cross the boundries, fences, walls, and Do Not Enter signs there, ONLY to be killed. The family then sued the state successfully for millions of dollars for the reasons listed above. The citizens of Hawai'i was then billed for this "freedom". If you value your life and the laws of this land, obey them for your safety and keep sacred falls sacred.
Hi'iakaikapoli'opele, Sun Jan 06, 2019
I've been here twice in my life. I'm returning to Hawaii in a few weeks and would love more than anything to return there again. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that that the government can tell me I can't go somewhere simply because they think it might be dangerous. What ever happened to freedom? I'll decide what what's good for me and what's not. Just a sign of the times I guess. The government has to decide everything for everybody. So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Tiffani Corda, Sat Feb 20, 2016
I was shown this trail back in 76 by some local friends. I used to hike back by myself alot as a teen. whenever I could... and swim, bask on the rocks...felt like my hair was conditioned from the icy water so pure, and softening. No other sound but the fall, birds. The icy water and warm sunlight peeking through...I will never forget that view straight up between the adjoining mountains. It was a seminal part of my Spiritual growth and commune with nature...I was so sad to hear of the closing. It is still my happy place I go to...It will remain so till I get to heaven, and guess what!? I think it will be just like that!
Monica, Thu Dec 03, 2015
A newly released video from the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources highlights the personal and legal perils of entering Sacred Falls State Park on Oahu. Intended to counter countless blogs and websites which encourage hikers to trespass into the park, despite dozens of warning signs, this video traces the tragic history of death at Sacred Falls and chronicles DLNR law enforcement efforts to try and curb illegal entry. 191df8ff24948bdfa93070fc52f204d
HI Dept. of Land & Natural Resource, Mon Mar 09, 2015
I was very fortunate, along with 3 other friends, to trek into the falls in 1989. We packed a picnic and spent the better part of the day there. Swimming in the fresh cold water under the falls was amazing. The most beautiful part of this experience to me, was to see the elderly native Hawaiian women come to the edge of the pools and place down, ever so gracefully, real lei and fresh fruit, a ritual been done for hundreds of years. it truly is a Sacred place and should be respected. I will never forget the beauty and love i felt in such a truly remarkable place. Its no wonder the Gods protect it.
aaron from vancouver, Mon Sep 24, 2012
We saw this from the helicopter tour. Way cool. If you want to take it's picture, be ready & snap quick or you'll miss your opp.
Carlene, Wed Apr 04, 2012